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Detoxing from Alcohol

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Short Description

Alcohol abuse is a major problem throughout the world—causing depression and other mental health issues, physical illnesses, and even death to those who abuse this drug. This abuse also causes suffering for family members and other loved ones who seek to help the addict. Detoxing from Alcohol is one of eight titles in the Detoxing From series. Each title spotlights a major addiction; discusses its negative physical and mental effects, as well as its effects on family and other loved ones; and provides an overview of treatment options for the addiction. Profiles of those who are battling addictions are provided to help readers understand that anyone can develop an addiction. Readers will learn that addictions can be overcome with the help of therapy, drug treatments, self-help groups, support family and friends, and other resources.
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ISBN 978-1-4222-4721-1



ISBN 978-1-4222-7092-9




Copyright: 2023

Dimensions: 6.5 x 9

Page count: 80