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Marijuana and Synthetics

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Short Description

Marijuana has been controversial for a long time. Some point out that marijuana is safer than other legal drugs and even has medical benefits for particular illnesses. Others worry about the drug’s “gateway” potential and the potentially destructive effects of long-term use. As many U.S. states reconsider their pot legislation, this book provides the facts and dispels myths about that plant called marijuana. From caffeine and aspirin to heroin and meth, drugs are an inescapable part of life in the 21st century. Addiction, once viewed as a shameful secret, is now widely understood to be a brain disease that can be treated. This series explores the many facets of this complex topic, providing students with the facts they need to navigate drug use and abuse in their daily lives.
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ISBN 978-1-4222-3606-2



ISBN 978-1-4222-8250-2




Copyright: 2017

Dimensions: 7 x 9

Page count: 64